Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Fairytale Of Sasirangan as Typical Fabric of South Kalimantan

If people in Province Lampung have a fabric called Tapis, and Java has Batik, Province South Sumatra  Palembang have Songket, the community of South Kalimantan have Sasirangan fabric which is typical of the area of South Kalimantan. Sasirangan fabric is a kind of cloth that was given a picture with a certain style and color that have been traditionally patterned according to ethnic cuisine peculiar culture Banjar in South Kalimantan.

In etymologi the term Sasirangan is not a noun, but it is verb. Sa means one and sirang (banjar language) means baste. This means sasirangan means made into a baste. Sasirangan fabric is identical to that given a fabric image with shades of colors shaped baste lines extending from bottom to top (vertical).

Community Banjar (the term for the local communities of Kalimantan) believe that the fabric Sasirangan not only limited to casual clothes or fabric, but has a sacred value and high magical value. Sasirangan formerly used as the clothes worn in traditional ceremonies or also to heal the sick.

According to folklore Banjar society, the term fabric Sasirangan which first appeared in the royal State Dipa (Amuntai area), when the Elder Jatmika ruled as king in the Kingdom of Dipa State in 1355-1362. At first called with a cloth fabric Sasirangan Langgundi, namely woven cloth that is yellow. Langgundi fabric is fabric that is widely used as material for making clothing daily by all citizens of the Kingdom of State Dipa. The legend of Banjar implicitly explained that the area now known as the downtown Amuntai many fabric artisans langgundi.

Narrated after The Elder Jatmika reign ended, at that time Patih Lambung Mangkurat were meditate using Lanting (bamboo raft from the local area) to find the next king next for royal Dipa State. When he was meditate, Patih Lambung Mangkurat hear women's voices who ask the purpose of his mediation and he explained the purpose hermitage is to look for a king in his kingdom

Women's voices rose to say that the king who is being sought by Patih Lambung Mangkurat that is her, but she said she would only manifest her form if Patih Lambung Mangkurat meet her request. Women were asked Patih Lambung Mangkurat for making it a magnificent palace built by 40 people Langgundi virgin and a piece of cloth woven by 40 virgins, both of which must be completed within one day. Patih Lambung Mangkurat agreed to fulfill it.

At the time specified, then the woman appeared. The woman came out of the water with beautiful by using a cloth that has been woven Langgundi by 40 virgins. The woman was called by the citizens of the kingdom of the State with the title Princess Junjung Buih, because it appears from the rippling water / foaming.

Since Princess Junjung Buih wear langgundi cloth, from that time, citizens of the Kingdom of State Dipa no longer dare to wear a cloth langgundi. They worried about the damned of a plague since Princess Junjung Buih become their king. As a result, cloth artisans langgundi no longer make it, because its market share it is not there anymore.

However not all stop making this Langgundi cloth. There are still some that still make it, but not to serve as everyday clothes but for treatment for diseases that are magical, langgundi cloth as material for clothing made specifically for those who catch the disease seclusion. Seclusion disease is a disease believed to be a disease originating from the act of the ancestral spirits who live in the spirit realm (nature barzah)

According to the beliefs of Banjar society that is still influenced by animistic belief and dynamism, many diseases caused by disorders spirits and fabric Langgundi / Sasirangan is a medium for healing. According to the already deep-rooted belief among ethnic Banjar in South Kalimantan, supposedly the ancestral spirits that are periodically demanding children, grandchildren, to wear cloth langgundi.

Yet, every one, three, five, and seven year old child, grandchild, great-, ment, piat offspring will fall ill due to exposure to diseases seclusion. No other drugs that can cure the disease except that seclusion langgundi wearing cloth. Langgundi fabric which in use as a complementary means of alternative medical therapy were made in various forms in accordance with the purposes, such as gloves (tapih bahalai), dressing (tripe), scarves (kakamban), and a headband (Laung).

The style and color images of cloth langgundi extremely diverse (not only the basic character of brittle and yellow in color only), because every type of illness requires a fabric langgundi seclusion with a particular style and color images of each other differently. Since used as a complementary means of alternative medical therapy is better known as langgundi cloth fabric sasirangan. The name is related to the manner of manufacture, namely being sirang (baste fabric by stitching and then dipped in dye.)

In addition Langgundi fabric, woven fabric Sasirangan also called Pamintan (request) that is the only fabric made based on requests from children, grandchildren, great-, ment piat seclusion that people living with the disease. That said, it is believed there are no other drugs that are efficacious for the people with the disease this seclusion on wearing cloth apart from sasirangan in the head (headband, scarf), in the abdomen (bandage), or even make it as a blanket to sleep (sarung).

Along with the times, began to lose sacred Sasirangan cloth. Now each person can use a cloth Sasirangan in various forms (shirt, scarf, shawl, etc.) without having to be overshadowed by anxiety damned (exposed to the plague) to the ancestors. Even today many Sasirangan cloth used as uniforms for the agencies or schools in South Kalimantan on certain days. However, this is actually also a good thing, because then the fabric Sasirangan will become better known and by itself will lift the name of South Kalimantan in the eyes of the world. That is, if people call Sasirangan cloth then it must have been synonymous with South Kalimantan, not the other.

Monday, December 27, 2010

why cellphones should be turned off in the plane

Based on personal experience I had not accidentally turn on the phone in the airplane, not deliberate but because I forgot, thank goodness there is no sms or voice calls.
If the phone rang I definitely will be in trouble with the flight attendants. That's why I became curious about exactly why the phone must be switched off before flight,  and why
flight attendant has great emphasis on this thing  in a safety demonstration before the plane departed.

So this is the fact that I get from various sources, with this fact i hope we all realize the dangerous of communication signals within the aircraft safety.

Modern aircraft depend greatly on radio waves to perform numerous fuction such as comunication with the control tower, and navigation.

Not a lot of people aware about the danger of turning on their cellphone inside a plane, the fact is even when your cellphones is on a silent/standby mode it still sends out an electromagnetic signal that notifies the cellular network's computer that the phone is active and can be contacted. The signal becomes stronger when the transmiter at the Base Terminal Station (BTS) comunicates with the phone sending a voice call or short message.

Actually, once the aircraft has taken off and approaches its cruising altitude your cellphone will not work anyway, because the planes is too far from the BTS. Furthermore the planes moves so fast that once the phone's presence has been detected and registered in the cellular network, the phones is no longer within the network range.

Yet if your cellphone is active, it is continually emitting electromagnetic signal that could seriously disturb the aviation equipment, thereby endangering the lives of hundreds of passengers.

So for your own safety and that of your fellow passenger, you must turn off your cellphone as soon as you enter the plane.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The National Bridge of Suramadu

Suramadu National Bridge Crosess the Madura Strait, connecting the island of Java at Surabaya and the island of Madura. At 5.438 meters, it is Indonesia's longest bridge. The Suramadu comprises three section which is the causeway, the approach bridge, and the main bridge.
The construction of the bridge was inaugurated by President Megawati Soekarnoputri on 20 August 2003, and the bridge was officially opened by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on 10 June 2009.
The Bridge intended to accelerate development on Madura, is part of the economic infrastructure for Madura, which is somewhat disadvantage relative to the other part of East Java. The construction of the Bridge cost approximately 4,5 trillion rupiah.

The three spans of the bridge were built concurrently from Surabaya Side, from Bangkalan Madura side, and the central secton comprising the main bridge and the approach bridge.

With a total lenght of 5.438 meters and width of around 30 meters, The Suramadu Bridge provides four 3,5 meter lanes in each direction, with two emergency at both side. The bridge also has a spesified lanes for motorcycles.

After entering this bridge the vehicle speed is also limited at a certain speed given the sea breezes that pass from right to left blowing very fast. This is the reason that every vehicle passing is not allowed to stop along the bridge. However, every rider can still enjoy the scenery along the Suramadu especially in the afternoon when the sun began to set. No need to rush to get through this bridge because to cross it only takes about 5 minutes. In addition to the beautiful ocean scenery, colorful lights that were fired into the pillars of the bridge right in the middle of the bridge to make the scenery more beautiful Suramadu.

Whether you visit Surabaya for Business or Pleasure, this viewpoint would give you an idea to visit The National Bridge of Suramadu.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Between Manual Shift Stick and Automatic Transmission

A few days ago my good friend who want to buy a car ask about selecting automatic or manual transmission. So here's my answer based on many source and my self experience using both manual and automatic transmission.

There are both advantages and disadvantages with manual neither the automatic transmissions. It is you self to decide wheater manual or matic.

Before decide to buy a manual or automatic car, price is considerable. Manual transmissions cost less than automatic, thats why budget is important.
When you go to a car dealear you will notice that the stick-shift version of the same model is about a thousand bucks cheaper.
Manual transmissions have their unique shifting characteristics, some are geared for fuel economy, others are geared for sport driving. Usually a manual transmission that will give you both a sporty driving experience and good economy are transmissions with close lower gear ratios with a relatively tall top gear. These types of manual transmissions enable you to accelerate as quick as possible with your lower gears, while your top gear provides the best possible fuel economy.

A tremendous acceleration is offered from a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission instead of matic transmission. If the vehicle mostly use in the city traffic automatic is a best recomendation, however for  outside country manual shift stick is more effisien. Thats why choose your vehicle wisely.

Manual transmission is probably going to be your best bet being compare with automatic in terms of fuel consumption. Although still a lot of argue about this statement. Lately automatic vehicle with new technology offer less fuel consumption. So basicly, about this matter is back to your decission, how so ever when you decide to use a car, fuel consumption is not to worry about.

Based on consulting with some mechanics, he probably tell you that working on a manual transmission is much easier than working with automatic gear boxes. So the repair costs for automatics are significantly higher.
Manuals - if properly operated - will go hundreds of thousands of kilometers without problems. The lubricant needs to be replaced periodically but not as frequently as in automatics.

Whether you choose an automatic or manual transmission, make sure you think carefully. Both types of transmissions have their positives and negatives, it's your job to make sure the negatives don't outweigh the positives. In closing, I strongly suggest reading other reviews in this category here at epinions due to the vast amount of different viewpoints

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Batakan Beach South Kalimantan

If you're visiting in South Kalimantan, be it for business or leisure there are a few attractions you can visit the Banjarmasin Floating Market, Tangkisung and Batakan beach at Pelaihari, hot water Tanuhi in Hulu Sungai Selatan, Bamboo Rafting at Amandit river in Hulu Sungai Selatan,  hot mud bathing place in Hulu Sungai Tengah and others.

With a little relaxing and enjoying the beauty and adventure will be many give the impression and refresh your daily fatigue.

I will tell you right now is Batakan Beach, located in District Tanah Laut about 40 kilometers from the city Pelaihari or about 125 kilometers from the city of Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan Province Capital). To reach the site Batakan Coast, from Banjarmasin city is relatively easy because condition of the course pretty well. Although the course of twisting and heaving, but presents a beautiful natural landscape in the form of rows of verdant hills, the yellow expanse of rice fields and fishing village located on the waterfront.

Batakan Beach is a marine tourism object that is integrated with the natural panorama of mountains, because there are hills on the east side pine that became part of Mount Meratus. On this beach you can around the beach using a rented horse, relax under the pine trees while enjoying the beauty of the beach, or watch the panorama of nature, especially when the sun will set (sunset).

Playing soccer and volley ball is quiet fun in this beach, with the shade off pine and coconot trees.  However, every beauty must have a weakness, on this Batakan beach hygiene management problem is not maximized, a lot of rubbish strewn, farm animals roam free like dogs, cows and goats, plus the trash can does not spread in the coastal areas so tourists quite hassle if want to dispose some waste.

For the record, just like other recreational places in Indonesia, Batakan beach also equipped with a typical recreational facilities, such as the bathroom to rinse, mosques, stage entertainment, cottage, restourant, playground, until the parking area vehicle large enough.